Community Engagement and Corporate Philanthropy

Community Engagement and Corporate Philanthropy

Atkore's global headquarters is in the community of Harvey, Illinois. Here, and at our sites across the globe, we are dedicated to being good neighbors. Often, we are involved in our local engagements and partnerships aimed at driving positive social and environmental impacts.

Our employees are the driving force behind our community engagement and corporate philanthropy initiatives. Each of our sites is allocated resources for these activities, and employees identify meaningful opportunities to engage with their respective communities.

While Atkore sites and employees can engage with community causes on an ad hoc basis and as needs arise, Atkore also supports organizations and initiatives for the longer term—such as the Atkore Family Foundation and Harvey, Illinois-based nonprofit, Restoration Ministries.


The Atkore Family Foundation

The Atkore Family Foundation supports employees, customers, suppliers, and other 501 (c) (3) organizations in the communities where Atkore facilities are located during times of financial hardship. These groups are critical to our business, and the Atkore Family Foundation allows us to support them. Every year, we hold a company-wide fundraising event for this cause.

Community Engagement and Corporate Philanthropy